6 MONTHS OF WELLNESS & NUTRITION PLANNING: Legend wellness planner is an efficient tool that helps you focus on your wellbeing, nutrition, and fitness, and lasts 6 whole months. We...
PLAN EACH DETAIL OF YOUR DAILY MEALS & WORKOUTS: This Food and Fitness Journal features two full pages per day to plan your meals and workouts and track your daily...
MAKE SELF-CARE A PRIORITY TO SUPPORT YOUR WELL-BEING: Self-care is essential to our life. But with everything that needs to be done, we rarely allocate enough time to support our...
MASTER THE ART OF HABIT BUILDING – Building new habits is challenging and time-consuming, so it is easy to get discouraged and quit halfway. The Legend Habit Calendar is an...
AN EASY WAY TO KEEP YOUR MEDICAL INFORMATION ORGANIZED – This 12-month medical planner is a convenient tool to store all essential health and medical information in one place, from...
SET GOALS & TRACK YOUR WEEKLY PROGRESS – This food journal for tracking meals and exercise is undated and covers 6 months of daily journaling. Begin your journey by setting...
CAPTURE EVERY MOMENT OF YOUR PREGNANCY JOURNEY – This pregnancy memory book is designed to help you document each stage of your pregnancy, from the moment you found out until...